
Learning how to use Dreamweaver was interesting and a little bit stressful. The slightest mistake in typing something could cause the shape you are creating to come out wrong or just not appear at all. Sometimes I would be staring at my computer screen for at least 15 minutes searching for the mistake I made while typing in the code.

My biggest issue was creating the linear gradient. No matter what I did, I could not get the linear gradient to appear. I worked with two of my friends in the computer lab and we were all stumped as to why it was not working for me when it worked for them. I'm still not completely sure about what went wrong concerning that.

Despite some of the issues I faced while working on this project, I am very happy that I am now a little bit familiar with Dreamweaver. Working on this assignment has made me realize that it's essential to ask questions in class in order to stay afloat. I also realized that, especially with this class, working in groups is extremely beneficial and can save you a lot of time and stress.


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